

Available scholarship opportunities
The Government of Jamaica and private sector organizations offer several scholarships for successful PEP students.
Below is a listing of some available scholarships opportunities. 

1. VMBS Foundation Scholarships & PEP Bursaries (Deadline June 26,2020)
This scholarship and bursary are for students who have completed PEP in the year of application and will be starting school. The top performing student in each county is selected for the PEP “Head-Start” Scholarship valued at $50,000.00 and top performing students across all parishes will be chosen for a one-time PEP Bursary valued at $50,000.00. All applicants must have an active VMBS account.

2. Scotiabank Jamaica Foundation 
This scholarship and bursary are for students who have completed PEP in the year of application and will be starting school.
Top performing students across all parishes are eligible.
Apply online at the Scotiabank Jamaica Foundation or Call Scotiabank Foundation, Jamaica.